In the rapidly evolving landscape of automated manufacturing, maintaining machinery is crucial for ensuring operational efficiency and prolonging the lifespan of the equipment. For businesses utilizing flat mask machines, especially those crafted by Broadfair Automation Equipment, regular maintenance is key to sustaining production at peak levels. Broadfair Automation Equipment specializes in designing and manufacturing fully automated mask machines, setting industry standards with robust, efficient, and user-friendly designs. This guide provides detailed insights into maintaining these vital pieces of equipment, ensuring they continue to function optimally.


Understanding Your Flat Mask Machine

Before diving into maintenance procedures, it's important to understand the structure and function of your flat mask machine. Broadfair’s machines are designed for high output and precision, integrating components that synchronize the production of masks seamlessly. Familiarizing yourself with the machine's manual and operation is the first step toward effective maintenance.

Daily Maintenance Checks

Visual Inspection: Start each day with a visual inspection of the machine. Check for any signs of wear or damage to the parts. Look for loose screws, misaligned belts, or any abnormalities in the machine's structure.

Cleaning: Dust and fabric particles can accumulate in various parts of the machine, potentially causing malfunctions or quality issues with the masks. Cleaning should be part of the daily routine. Use a soft cloth to wipe down exposed surfaces and a vacuum to remove debris from harder-to-reach areas.

Lubrication: Regular lubrication is necessary to keep moving parts operating smoothly. Consult the manufacturer’s guide to understand the specific lubrication needs and intervals for your machine.

Weekly and Monthly Maintenance

Belt and Chain Checks: Every week, check the tension and condition of belts and chains. Adjustments may be needed to prevent slippage and maintain alignment.

Sensor Calibration: Sensors play a crucial role in automated mask machines by ensuring precision in mask fabrication. Test and calibrate sensors monthly to avoid disruptions in production and to ensure the accuracy of operations.

Electrical System Inspections: Monthly reviews of the electrical system can prevent electrical failures. Inspect wires for damage and ensure that connections are tight.

Seasonal and Annual Maintenance

Deep Cleaning: Conduct a comprehensive cleaning of the entire machine. This includes dismantling certain parts to access internal components not regularly cleaned during daily or weekly checks.

Part Replacement: Replace parts that are subject to wear and tear, such as cutting blades and conveyor belts, as recommended by Broadfair Automation Equipment. Using genuine parts can prevent machine failures and ensure operational compatibility.

Software Updates: If your machine includes software components, ensure that they are updated regularly. Software updates can enhance functionality, introduce new features, and patch security vulnerabilities.

Record Keeping

Maintain a detailed log of all maintenance activities. Record dates, details of inspections, problems found, solutions applied, and when parts were last replaced. This documentation will help in troubleshooting future problems and planning preventive maintenance schedules.

Professional Servicing

For complex issues or annual check-ups, professional servicing is recommended. Broadfair Automation Equipment offers expert servicing by technicians who specialize in mask-making machines, ensuring that any issues are addressed by knowledgeable professionals.


Maintaining your flat mask machine from Broadfair Automation Equipment doesn’t just involve fixing what’s broken; it’s about preventing issues from arising in the first place. With the right care and attention, your machine can continue to operate efficiently, reduce downtime, and produce high-quality masks consistently. Regular maintenance is an investment in your machine’s longevity and in the quality of your production output.