In today’s world, where hygiene and efficiency are more critical than ever, the choice between automated and traditional glove dispensers is significant for businesses across all industries. This article offers a detailed comparison between these two types of dispensers, highlighting the innovative solutions provided by Hankscraft, a company renowned for its commitment to delivering top-quality products and services that meet the needs of customers.

Overview of Glove Dispensers

Glove dispensers are essential in many sectors, including healthcare, food service, and manufacturing. They provide a way to quickly and easily access gloves, which are crucial for maintaining hygiene and safety standards.

Traditional Dispensers: These are typically simple box holders that may or may not be wall-mounted. Users must reach into the dispenser to pull out a glove, often touching and potentially contaminating other gloves in the process.

Automated PE Glove Dispensers: These devices use advanced technology to dispense gloves without the need for direct contact. They are designed to minimize cross-contamination and provide gloves through a touch-free mechanism.

Efficiency and Hygiene

One of the most significant advantages of automated dispensers over traditional models is their efficiency and the hygiene they promote.

Automated Dispensers:

  • Touch-Free Operation: Automated dispensers like Hankscraft’s AeroGlove use motion sensors to detect a user’s hand and dispense a glove directly. This touch-free operation is crucial in preventing cross-contamination.

  • Speed and Reliability: These dispensers quickly inflate a glove for easy hand insertion, significantly speeding up the glove wearing process and ensuring that gloves are only touched by the intended user.

Traditional Dispensers:

  • Manual Retrieval: Users must manually pull out each glove, which can compromise hygiene if the dispenser or other gloves are touched in the process.

  • Potential for Waste: It’s common for multiple gloves to be pulled out accidentally, leading to unnecessary waste.

Cost Implications

The initial investment in automated glove dispensers is typically higher than for traditional dispensers, but the long-term savings can be substantial.

Automated Dispensers:

  • Reduced Waste: By dispensing one glove at a time, automated systems like those offered by Hankscraft reduce the number of gloves wasted, which can translate to significant cost savings over time.

  • Lower Labor Costs: The efficiency of automated dispensers can reduce the time staff spend equipping protective gear, allowing them to focus more on their primary tasks.

Traditional Dispensers:

  • Lower Initial Cost: These dispensers are less expensive to purchase initially but may result in higher long-term costs due to waste and potential hygiene issues.

User Experience and Accessibility

The ease of use provided by an automated system can enhance user experience significantly, encouraging compliance with safety protocols.

Automated Dispensers:

  • Ease of Use: Automated systems are generally more user-friendly. They are accessible and easy to operate, even for individuals with limited dexterity.

  • Inclusivity: The touch-free nature makes these dispensers ideal for providing accessibility in environments like hospitals and senior care facilities.

Traditional Dispensers:

  • Accessibility Issues: These can be less user-friendly, especially in high-pressure environments where speed and efficiency are crucial.


Hankscraft’s commitment to sustainability is evident in their choice of materials and designs. Automated dispensers often use high-quality, durable components that have a longer lifespan and are sometimes made from recyclable materials.

Automated Dispensers:

  • Biodegradable Gloves: For instance, the gloves used in Hankscraft’s AeroGlove dispenser are FDA-approved and biodegradable, enhancing the product’s sustainability.

Traditional Dispensers:

  • Material Use: Traditional models may not always provide options for using environmentally friendly materials.


Choosing the right glove dispenser involves considering several factors including hygiene, cost, user experience, and sustainability. For many businesses, the benefits of automated glove dispensers, such as those provided by Hankscraft, outweigh the initial higher costs due to their efficiency, hygiene, and minimal environmental impact. As industries continue to evolve towards higher standards of hygiene and efficiency, automated dispensers stand out as the future of protective gear dispensation.